
Work-Life Balance or Reflections on being a checkout chick

I started work at 6 am this morning, in my friend’s shop. I’m rebuilding my coaching business, if you remember, after last year’s disastrous collapse of my global franchise. My dreams of being CEO of a global franchise are on hold. So a few hours a week of early duty in the Green Garage , Byron’s favourite fruit barn, are still a welcome contribution to the flow of cash.

I finished at 8, dashed home to take my middle daughter to her ballet exam an hour away, on the Gold Coast then found myself working in a cafe while she pirouetted and plied. Did some useful work, picked her up (you’re not allowed to watch), drove home and ate fish and chips with her on the wharf at Brunswick Heads on the way home.

Arrived home, wrote a proposal to my new prospective client, presented it to him along with his first coaching session on a web meeting, then coached another client, also from my dining table. Picked up my other daughter, dropped in at the Green garage for a beer with my friend then drove home.

I caught myself thinking “Shit. Another long day. That’s 12 hours.”
I know!

Isn’t this work-life balance in real life?

I’ve a bit more to do to prepare for tomorrow’s early networking meeting but it’s a funny realisation when you’ve worked your 7 hours, spent time with your children and your friend and been an active parent and you still feel like you’ve been “on” all day.

Time to re-evaluate.

So what is work life balance to you and do you have it? And do you realise you have it when you’re living it. Or was it just me?

Jon Dale
Small Fish Business Coaching Gold Coast

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See you later.

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