
Daily Prioritisation

You might have noticed that Prioritisation has been a little bit of a theme these past few weeks and this is because Prioritisation is an integral part of the succession and growth of our businesses. As well as any sort of achievement in our lives, both professional and personal. 

You can’t complete much of anything without the ability to prioritise, especially in this day and age; we’re all tightly wedged between the fists of a fast-paced society. 

So this means our abilities to prioritise need to be honed to perfection or well the closest thing we can get to it. 

We are constantly bombarded with distractions; 

Our workplace – from our team, the phone, emails, quotes, admin, site alls, and problems fire to put out. 

Our phones – these little b*ggers are the worst distractions, each time you hear or see a notification pop up and divert your attention back to the task it takes 10-15 mins to refocus. Insane. You’re losing countless minutes a day. 

The smaller less important jobs that always take first priority… why? Because they’re easier. And we always choose the easier route, don’t we? 

How do we get past each of these distractions? So we can focus on what we really want to. 

Obviously, it stems from Prioritising. However, we all know that’s easier said than done. 

Let’s narrow it down. 

Let’s chat about one aspect of prioritising – daily prioritising (there we’ve begun prioritising, prioritising). 

First, we’ll start with your Groundhog Week or Day. 

You can prioritise your day by breaking it down into chunks and blocking out your calendar with certain time frames so you can get these chunks done. Some people call this time blocking. It’s an effective way to get through more than one task simultaneously. 

So, you plan out your calendar – maybe by the day or the week – blocking out longer hours for the more important tasks and short times for the smaller tasks that still need your attention. 

Refer back to the calendar throughout the day – when the reminders go off for the next task move on. Obviously, you need to set yourself realistic time frames to complete jobs within. 

And get someone to be your accountability buddy, this might be your assistant, your business partner, or anyone who can hold you accountable for tasks you’ve set yourself. 

Another aspect of daily prioritisation is keeping a daybook. This can sit in any format you prefer. 

I prefer to keep a physical day book, however, there are plenty of digital tools you can use or you could use a document, or a notes application. There are multiple different ways you can set this up to suit your individual preferences. 

The reason you keep a day book is so you are able to keep track of everything – write it all down. 

Now, this is how I set up my daybook. 

I write out 2 lists daily; My Major Jobs/Projects lists (these are your main priorities – the ones that will progress your business) and a list of more general tasks and jobs that need doing that day. 

You need to choose – prioritise – which jobs need to be completed that day. This may include jobs from the day before that you carry across to today’s list. 

Whatever you decide you put a circled A next to the job so that you know to Action it. 

And beside each job, you should write what the impact of that job on your business is if it isn’t done – whether it is good/bad, how much so and what the impact will be if it’s completed. 

You should prioritise Three main jobs to complete that day around your smaller list of everyday jobs. 

That’s 3 tasks to complete. 

So with a Daybook combined with your Groundhog Week and your accountability buddy. 

With these three tools, you should be able to make some headway with your Daily Prioritisation. 

Want help?? 

Grab this week’s Worksheet. It’s our Groundhog Week Tool. 

Or you could skip that and jump straight to the coaching, just putting it out there… 

Comment ‘Groundhog’ for the tool, you know the drill. 

There are four ways you can engage with me:

1. Subscribe to these emails and get them once a week in your inbox so you never miss a video from me.

2. Join the Trades Business Toolshed Facebook Group where you can watch these videos, ask me questions or talk to your peers.

3. Attend my next Tradie Profit Webinar.

4. Book yourself a 10-minute chat with me. We’ll talk about whether coaching is right for you now and if it is, we’ll go further into the process before you have to make your mind up.

See you later.

Click here to book a money maker call with Jon.