Procrastinators Do It Tomorrow
Are you a procrastinator? I am (so I’m told – I didn’t admit to it until my girlfriend pointed it out to me).
I tend to put big, difficult (or unappealing) jobs off until closer to the time they need to be done.
I allow myself to be distracted by Facebook more than I should.
When I’m faced with one of those big jobs, I find myself hanging out the washing or making unnecessary cups of tea or walking the dogs or checking Facebook again or my emails (in case something important popped into my inbox while I was away….)
My boss, when I had one, once told me (Ian Smith, by the way, from Optus) that I wasn’t disorganised and that perhaps I just need that deadline pressure to work to.
But I now know (thanks to said girlfriend) that it’s procrastination, pure and simple. It’s recognised by Psychologists (she is one) and you can learn how not to do it – because it makes you stressed out when deadlines loom and you haven’t started yet (true), it makes you inefficient (all that time wasted procrastinating could have been spent enjoying myself) and it makes you a bad business coach settling a poor example to your clients who like to think that you’ve got all this shit sorted out.
So I’m trying to keep a lid on it – not very successfully right now – and Michelle (girlfriend and Psychologist, remember?) is writing a course on how not to procrastinate. We’re going to offer it to you in the new year and I am going to be one of the first students.
So, Jon from Small Fish, the business coach, not only has his own business coach but is going to buy the same product he’s selling to you next year. Oh, the irony 🙂
Bye (I wonder what’s changed on Facebook………)
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4. Book yourself a 10-minute chat with me. We’ll talk about whether coaching is right for you now and if it is, we’ll go further into the process before you have to make your mind up.
See you later.