
1 Thing You Can Do To Avoid A Quiet January In Your Trades Business.

Are you expecting a quiet January?

I think it’s a common situation that I see in lots of people who tell me they’re expecting a quiet January. You know they say things like, “Everyone’s broke from Christmas.” Or “Everyone’s on holiday.”

For you Brits over there, in Australia we have a double wamy of Christmas and kind of the summer holidays all at same time. So it’s more pronounced over here than the kind of quiet summer in the UK. So it’s frustrating. Surely, it isn’t great for your profitability.

You’ve got overheads

Now I have people say to me, “It’s fine Jon. I take my holiday then.” And fair enough I get that. But you know, as you start to grow and scale, you can’t tell everybody to take their holidays then. And if you’re running your business properly, you’ve got overheads to pay. You have to pay their holiday pay. You have to pay leases on vehicles and all that. So a month or some weeks with no revenue or little revenue is not a comfortable thing for anybody.

If you want to grow and scale your business, you need to deal with issues like this. And a scalable business doesn’t have its revenue shrink to nothing in January. Or shrink to nearly nothing or even shrink by half in January. Some seasonality I think is unavoidable. But the kind of months where you take a month off situation is not necessary. And I think that’s what I’m here to say to you – It’s not necessary.

Recommended Reading: Learn my Framework for Growing your Trade Business

Use the quiet times to initiate projects

Construction doesn’t halt in January. Everybody doesn’t go on holiday. Or businesses don’t shut down. You know, some people go on holiday and spend anyway. Other people use the new year to start new projects. Other people start to think about their new projects back in September and are ready to start a project in January. Businesses, get real busy. Some businesses are real busy over summer and need support to keep them running while they’re in their busiest period. Other businesses have quiet times over the summer holidays and use those quiet times to initiate projects while it has its minimum disruption to their business.

Here’s what I think you should do about it.

So you know it’s not true that everyone’s broke or on holiday. There are various different situations that occur. And of course, I’m going to tell you what I think you should do about it. You should build a ‘Marketing’ machine that gets you your share or more than your share of the business that’s out there. It should be producing a steady flow of leads. And you shouldn’t be relying on ‘Word-of-Mouth’ and sitting back and waiting for it to come to you, you know. And if you do your marketing properly and consistently, and you spend some money, business doesn’t dry up in January.

It becomes less of a problem if you’re extracted from the business.

You should build your ‘Sales’ machine that wins it consistently while you’re away on holiday if you can grow that much even. You should build the systems and processes for getting the work done so that can happen without you. You should build the systems and processes for the admin and the back office work in your business so that it can go on without you. The more you extract yourself from the business, the more you grow it and the less the January slow down becomes a problem. It becomes less of a problem if you’re extracted from the business. It becomes less of a problem for other people to do sales work or the marketing work. So there are many things you can do. Build the systems, build those machines that I talk about all the time, and you won’t have a quiet January. And you’ll be able to ride through whatever quiet times come.

I teach this framework.

So of course, I think I can help. I teach this framework. Build a marketing machine, a sales machine, an operations machine, a back office machine, and manage your people, yourself, and your team to run those beautiful machines that you’ve built. So you’ve built this beautiful business, not a job for you that requires you to be there and your small numbers of customers wanting you all the time.

So, I can help. I believe I can help.

Give me a call if you think you’d like to dig into how I can help YOU.

See you.

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See you later.

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