Work: Life Balance Discussion
The more alert among you will have noticed our lively and spirited discussion on work-life balance from a week or two ago. If you didn’t, let me point out that you can add a comment to our blog posts when you click through to our website. We encourage you to participate – it’s fun and intriguing to hear what other people think of our articles and our opinions. And you might like it, too.
Here’s my two pennies’ worth (on work-life balance):
The best way to not work too hard is not to work too hard. I mean, when the clock gets to 5.30, stop working and go home. It will be there tomorrow. Trust me, it’s true. The work multiplies to fill the time you give it and then some, so you’ll never ever get it all done. Prioritise not working, too.
Remember, you won’t lie in your deathbed reflecting on your life and think “I wish I’d spent more time at the office”. I guarantee it.
Jon Dale
Small Fish Business Coaching
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See you later.