
5 Tips Of Productivity

  1. If you are achieving nothing stop working! Get outside, head to a café, take a nap – do something to clear your mind. Sitting at your desk berating yourself for not achieving is a complete waste of (nap) time. 
  2. Be realistic about the amount of time tasks take to complete. If a task is more than two hours consider breaking it down into smaller chunks so you don’t feel bogged down by one massive job. 
  3. Take a lunch break. Working through lunch because you are too busy to stop is a crock! I guarantee that even a 15-minute lunch break will increase your productivity in the afternoon.
  4. Stop micromanaging – if you are constantly watching and questioning what everyone else is doing, stop! It is a waste of your time and does nothing for the productivity of the people around you. Plus it is just plain irritating… 
  5. Outsource the jobs you are crap at. Why waste hours trying to balance the accounts if a bookkeeper can do the job for you faster and more accurately. 

Melanie Miller
Small Fish Business Coaching Gold Coast

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