The Process Of Getting Things Done
We all strive to achieve results in our lives and in business. That’s the sole reason you are in business- to get results, which usually equals money! (Or it should be?).
Whilst we all start out with great intentions, sometimes the process behind achieving the results is overlooked and we get too focused on the day to day ‘doing’ vs. the focus on the results. A great tool that was shared and based from John O’Keeffe’s ‘Business beyond the box’ (1998) shows how to achieve outstanding results by applying process to get there. This is best represented by his ‘triangular thinking model’.
In order to achieve outstanding results we need 3 elements to be in place. Have the Intentionality to achieve, Think and Plan to achieve, and then have Action to achieve.
To put it simply Results = Intentionality+ Thinking+ Action.
If one of these elements are missing the end result can be to a substandard level, so all three are critical to success. Without thought on how to do something, but just going and doing it with the best intentions will cause substandard results, just as will great intentionality, but no action. You get the point!
In order to get things done we must carefully plan, have the desire and do it….sounds simple, but it does require some discipline to execute. Are you up for achieving some amazing results in 2011? If so place some thought into this process… works!
Good luck with getting things done in 2011.
Tony Ozanne
Small Fish Business Coaching Canberra
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See you later.