
Time Management

What a start to the new year! As you may be aware Toowoomba, QLD Australia, got off to a catastrophic beginning and only now are we emerging from the shock. But as like showbiz business must go on.

From the people I have spoken to this year, and I admit to the same problem, work is overwhelming. There have been constant interruptions (family, colleagues and employees) and delays (Roads closed, Australia Post not delivering – “the cheques in the mail” has certainly been true this last month) which has left the to –do list ever growing and the bank balance hurting.
So… take a step back, draw a breath and close the door.

• Work out what the priorities are – review your plan – focus on what will make money for your business.
• Spend 15 mins every morning organising your day – what are the top 5 things that HAVE to be done. Block out time in your diary to get them done. (no phone calls, emails or people dropping in)
• Don’t procrastinate – actions reap results and makes you feel in control
• Learn to say no.
• Learn to let go and delegate non-money making tasks to others

There are other strategies for time management but simply put have a plan and work it. Do not beat yourself up over slipping now and again, just pick yourself up and start each day fresh.

Good luck and remember if you haven’t got a plan than you may need a business coach.

Mariejan Bigby
Small Fish Business Coach Toowoomba

Contact our Business Coaches to learn Time Management Skills, Strategic Planning & how to build a Marketing Plan indeed.

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1. Subscribe to these emails and get them once a week in your inbox so you never miss a video from me.

2. Join the Trades Business Toolshed Facebook Group where you can watch these videos, ask me questions or talk to your peers.

3. Attend my next Tradie Profit Webinar.

4. Book yourself a 10-minute chat with me. We’ll talk about whether coaching is right for you now and if it is, we’ll go further into the process before you have to make your mind up.

See you later.

Click here to book a money maker call with Jon.