
How Mobile Is Your Marketing?

Have you noticed that some websites now have a cool layout just for use on smart phones and tablets? Do you have the type of business that could benefit from a mobile friendly website? Have a think about it! Restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, doctors, vets, mechanics,...

The Smell of Desperation Around Small Business Marketing

Phwooaaarr what is that smell? Oh, I know! It is the stench of desperation around a lot of Small Business marketing. Businesses that don’t have a stable, consistent and well thought out marketing strategy often fall into the trap of desperation marketing. It is highly...

Conflict in Business

We all hopefully go into business with the intent for bigger and better things, or for financial riches or the lifestyle working for yourself is meant to bring i.e being accountable to self. This is all good in theory but what happens when a point of conflict comes...

Some Thing Bosses Never Tell Employees

Jon liked this article because he’s a business owner and he worries about everything. He thinks he agrees with every single one of the points in it. Do you? Post your comments below! Jon Dale Small Fish Business Coaching Byron Bay...