How To Level Up Your Business
I mean grow it, of course, but I have a specific point to make (also, of course). I’ve changed my coaching program to help you with this too. (More of that in a bit).
Money Level
There are stages that all tradies go through as you grow your business. I call stage 1 the ‘Money Stage’ because it’s characterised by there not being enough of it. It’s not so bad when you first start out because there’s only you. You keep all the money that comes in (apart from a car, insurance, and tools).
But when you start hiring people, all that changes – now it matters how much you charge and how much you pay people and it matters how long someone takes to do a job (compared to how much time your price allows).
So, money tends to get tight until you start putting the system in place to make sure there’s more around.
Charging properly, quoting properly, and keeping everyone busy.
That’s why I made our new ‘Level Up Program‘ which means you can enter our coaching program at the Money Level and pay less than the price of the full program.
You don’t get the full program, of course, but the idea is to focus you on fixing the money issues so you can afford to move up to the next level.
Capacity Level
I call level 2 the ‘Capacity Level’. What’s holding you back now is probably you – your personal ability to do work. That’s limited, isn’t it? There’s only so much you can get through.
And like with the money, you started out doing everything yourself so you’re pretty busy. As your business grows, there’s more to do so you find yourself busier and busier. You spend time on the tools, and closing sales, and quoting, and invoicing, maybe even bookkeeping.
So you need to fix those issues and increase your capacity – hiring people (not just trades) and delegating work away from you to other people in and around your organisation. That’s what you’ll work on on our ‘Capacity Level’.
Once you’ve addressed the money issue, your business can grow and make more money, which you can spend on growing your capacity and removing those constraints.
Systems Level
Then it’s time to level up to level 3 – the ‘Systems Level’. That’s our full program and you should have enough money and time to invest in building the systems and structure in your business that will help you grow it properly – profitably, without working too much, without too much stress, and with people in their jobs doing a good job (and liking it).
I’ve done this to help people who aren’t yet ready for the full program – to help you get ready, of course, quicker than you would on your own.
So I’m not completely selfless.
If you’re interested in learning more, either book a call or reply ‘Tell me more’ and we’ll work something out.
There are four ways you can engage with me:
1. Subscribe to these emails and get them once a week in your inbox so you never miss a video from me.
2. Join the Trades Business Toolshed Facebook Group where you can watch these videos, ask me questions or talk to your peers.
3. Attend my next Tradie Profit Webinar.
4. Book yourself a 10-minute chat with me. We’ll talk about whether coaching is right for you now and if it is, we’ll go further into the process before you have to make your mind up.
See you later.