Why Would You Get a Business Coach?

Why Would You Get a Business Coach?

Why would you?  It’s a good question. Something’s going on for you that makes you click.  We all have our one-sentence/pitch. This is mine: You want to improve your business, grow it (a bit, at least) but grow it properly – which means profitably,...
Where Can You Find The Good Tradespeople?

Where Can You Find The Good Tradespeople?

i.e. Where to advertise or recruit tradespeople Hint: They aren’t all on SEEK, looking at your ad! It’s hard to find good tradespeople, isn’t it? In the old days (whenever they were!), all you had to do was say, “Universe, I want to hire...
WTF is this Circle of Coaching?

WTF is this Circle of Coaching?

It is a simple flow of the work of making your business better. You decide what to do, you learn how to do it, and then of course, you go ahead, and do it. All very simple, right? But because this is business coaching, not business training or business education, the...
Unicorns & Normals – There’s Hope For Us

Unicorns & Normals – There’s Hope For Us

Do you know what I mean by a unicorn? Something very rare. In this case, I mean a business that skyrockets – grows very quickly indeed and makes someone or some people very wealthy. Or quite wealthy. Life-changing money, not necessarily. Elon Musk’s money. There...