
What’s A QR Code?

At a recent networking luncheon, aptly named the GAF Luncheon (Grog and Food), I was introduced to a new bit of IT or marketing technology (well at least new to me, I’m sure they have been around for a while, but I may just be a bit slow to catch up with this techno...

Sell Value

In all the marketing and business improvement lierature we are constantly reminded to sell on value and not fall into the price discounting trap. So what does that mean, what is value in the consumers mind? Well it could be any of the following components, or a...

What Makes A Great Business Owner?

Jim Collins in his book ‘From Good to Great’ discusses what differentiates a good company from a great one, and how few companies end up being great. It’s a great read and I recommend it for anyone in business or in a management role. When we look at these questions...

End of the Financial Year: Networking

So it’s the end of the Financial Year and the start of a new one. There are a million articles floating around about this particular event. So I have decided to write about something completely different. Networking! Do you or does someone in your business participate...